The Ludus will be closing for our December break. Please note the following dates & contact information.
The Cape Town offices will be closing off all work on Friday the 14th of December and we will have a skeleton staff available until Wednesday 19th of December 2018.
The JHB office will be closing off all work and closing up the offices with a skeleton staff available until the Friday the 21st of December.
Our full shut down period is from the 21st of December 2018 - 11th January 2019.
Contact information:
JHB Office:
*Thandiswa 072 178 1988 - available until the 14th of December 2018 and will be back in the office on the 11th of January 2019
*Joe 082 214 4937 - available until the 21st of December 2018 and will be back in the office on the 17th of January 2019
CPT Office:
*Vicky 082 460 6935 - available until the 19th of December and back in the office on the 11th of January 2019
*Ashleigh 083 695 1769 - available until the 21st of December and back in the office on the 17th of January 2019.
Wishing you all a wonderful break!